The above forecasts are prepared by the System Controller for the purposes of system security, in particular allowing the System Controller and other entities responsible for system security to monitor the volatility of power system demand. [However they are just one of the tools used by the System Controller for such purposes and, viewed in isolation, are not a sufficient basis for decision making.] The forecasts are developed, in part, from information provided to the System Controller by third parties and the System Controller does not verify the accuracy of this information. As forecasts of this nature are inherently subject to error and degrees of unreliability, no assumption can be made that actual events will reflect a forecast. The System Controller takes no responsibility for the use of the forecasts for any other purpose than managing system security and makes no representation the forecasts are appropriate or reasonable for use for any purpose other than management of system security.
We are in the process of developing and revising a number of market procedures and guidelines. Generator and Retailers are invited to view and contribute feedback via our consultation area.
Guidelines for producing and distributing electricity in the NT
Ensuring electricity is traded at fair wholesale prices
View current and forecasted demand data
in real time
Find out more about our current long-standing system constraints, which affect system participants in the Darwin-Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs generation, transmission and distribution networks.